Synergy - A modern healer’s guide to complete bioenergy wellness
Learn all about etheric energy, how to protect yourself from harmful EMF, & more!
Have you been wanting to know more about the unseen forces that guide our world but didn't know where to start? Have you suffered from EMF poisoning, and don't know what to do about it? Reiki master, orgone energy artist, crystal healer and shamanic practitioner Kelly Brinn takes you on a journey of discovery, covering both the scientific and spiritual aspects of the energy within us and around us, to provide better understanding of our world, as well as tools you can start using today to get on the path to better health and wellness. Many topics are included in this handy guide, including learning to use orgone energy to balance energies in and around your home, instructions on how to create your own orgone energy generators, learn about DNA, the holographic universe, energy dynamics between people, the shamanic practice of soul retrieval, the Law of One, how to use crystals for healing and manifestation, how to create a crystal grid, and much, much more. Click here to get your copy today.
Read what verified Amazon purchasers have said about SYNERGY -
“I loved that book. The author takes you on a journey where you will enjoy all the benefits of energy, even if you are new to this area. You will learn how to adapt yourself through the huge amount of frequencies from Wi-Fi, 5G, microwaves and thrive. You will also learn to create orgone. A brilliant idea to make your life healthier and stronger. A must to read. Even if you are already familiar with energies, you will learn something out of it.”
“I absolutely LOVED this book. I was sold on the choice of words from the book title such as, “Synergy” and “Bioenergy Wellness.” In a world that unfairly forces traumas on us, it is our responsibility to learn and heal but we are not always given the answers on the how. Chapter 5, particularly spoke to me as I’ve had to learn hard lessons in the past year on the empath and energy vampire dynamic. Everything in this world is based on energy- the power that drives a system and synergy is the way different elements in a system work together. There are levels to this reality. Overall, great read that put me in a great mood.”
“This is a great read for the novice as well as someone who has been on a path for a long time. It is loaded with practical information that is easy to access which is something that is often missing from books in this area. I view it more as a "field manual;" the type issued on numerous topics in the military that have the detail required to implement a solution. For instance, want to create an orgone energy generator - read "the manual!"
“Everyone needs to know the information in this book!! I'm so happy someone finally did this! It took me years and a lot of digging to learn this stuff! It's all right here!!! Improve you health and your life!! Get this book now!!! You can thank me later. 🥰❤”
“Just when you think you know a lot, here comes a subject matter that you see on a bigger perspective as to how technology, radiation and energy emission out into our atmosphere has to be toxic to some degree. I know scientists who discussed the harm in 5G but seriously ‘Synergy,’ was an eye opener because the author explains it all in layman’s terms and I believe there is a bit of subtext for people of all levels. I had no idea about scaler energy or the ability to clear up and cleanse your space with EMF protection.
This is a definite read for everyone not just people into holistic methods or modalities! A must read as this book explains in theory how people are affected by radiation, EMF, etc. and how it affects our mental health and our health in general.”