


Kelly Brinn was working in the fashion industry as a designer when her interest in energy and frequency led her to become an Usui Holy Fire reiki practitioner, then later reiki master, and delve into different methods of healing, including learning the shamanic healing traditions of the curanderismo of Mesoamerica. In late 2017, she heard about orgone energy generators on a podcast and being curious, decided to try one for her home. The insomnia issues that had plagued her for years went away immediately and she began soundly sleeping through the night; her insomnia had in large part been caused by wifi frequencies. Convinced that these devices are an effective way to fight EMF pollution caused by wifi and cell towers, she set about creating her own pieces and found it to be very therapeutic. Her love of creating orgone energy devices and helping others to feel better as well, led her to create Wuwu Woman in 2018, with the name Wuwu being derived from the saying "woo woo” and wu being the name for female shaman in ancient China.

All orgone devices are handmade with love in Los Angeles. Kelly uses the best crystal combinations and charges all of her pieces with reiki. She makes sure to use the proper combination of metal and ingredients to ensure that all devices are effective in creating the best, highest frquency orgone energy. A Pleiadian starseed and lightworker, it is important for her to share the tools she uses for her own advancement to help others as well. She is excited by the recent addition of handmade aura and sacred space sprays, with a combination of essential oils and crystal essences. If you would like to book an Usui Holy Fire III Reiki healing session with Kelly, she would love to heal you, send an email.