
Energy Healing Services

Reiki & Shamanic Distance Healing or In Person reiki crystal & shamanic healing in Los Angeles


Reiki & Shamanic Distance Healing

Reiki is a form of energy healing in which a practitioner channels healing energy from higher dimensional beings using a hands-on, hands-close, or distance technique. This energy transcends time and space, and can be sent remotely to anywhere in the world. In-person sessions include crystal healing. For distance healing, I channel the energy using a reiki world peace crystal grid.

I began doing this type of healing in 2016, and it has changed my life dramatically. It is a tool that I use personally to cleanse and strengthen my energy field, help with both physical and emotional well-being, and assist in manifestation. While it is a supplement to seeing an ethical doctor and part of a holistic health practice, people have reported amazing results in the healing of disease and physical ailments in using reiki. It can be used in conjunction with seeing a licensed therapist to heal emotional trauma. It can benefit those suffering from depression, anxiety, and addiction. It is typically used for stress-relief and general healing, but the benefits are endless. Reiki is not affiliated with any religion and cannot cause harm. Because it is transferred from Source energy, it automatically adjusts to what the person receiving it needs.

The type of reiki I am attuned in is Usui Holy Fire III. After practicing Holy Fire II reiki for 2 1/2 years, in 2018 I received my Reiki Master attunement. In April of 2019, I received the Holy Fire III placement, the newest and most powerful form of reiki energy now known. The Holy Fire III energy comes from very high realms of consciousness, and has the ability to achieve deeper healing, reaching dormant energies which need healing, that the receiver may not even be consciously aware that they had. Like an onion, we have many layers which need healing, and the Holy Fire III energy reaches deep. I am grateful that I get to work with this wonderful energy. Holy Fire is a fairly new type of reiki that was introduced by the International Center for Reiki Training in 2014, with energy that comes from a higher level of consciousness. Humans and our planet are evolving, there are exciting new energies coming in that we can work with to strengthen ourselves and our energy field.

I studied shamanic healing with a curandera who was trained by shaman in the indiginous healing techniques of Mesoamerica, learning how to perform limpias, journey, connect with spirit guides and animals, and perform soul retrieval. Upon continuing this work on my own, I have received great healing and opened myself up to receive many new frequencies and light codes. With the ascension happening on the planet, there are angels, extraterrestrials and ascended masters who are looking to help humanity to release our traumas and upgrade our frequencies, and journey work is a wonderful way to connect with them and receive healing. For a distance session, I will lead you through breathwork to cleanse your energy and put you into a relaxed state to journey into the non-ordinary realms. This session will be tailored to exactly what you need at the moment. When you email me to set up your session, it is helpful if you can tell me what it is that you would like to work on, and I will give you a free consultation to recommend the best type of session for your needs. If you have an essential oil that you love, it is a good idea to have it handy for the session as it can enhance your breathwork by stimulating the olfactory system, but it is not required.

For a 30-minute session please choose between reiki distance healing or a shamanic healing session. In an hour session, there is enough time to do both. You may choose between having your session over the phone or Zoom.

Some more info about reiki healing: This energy transcends time and space and can be sent remotely from anywhere in the world. Once you purchase your healing session, I will need some information from you, to ensure the best possible healing. You can only reveal what you feel comfortable doing so, and you may think your intentions if you choose, as the Holy Fire energy does the work, but knowing the main reason for your session is helpful to know. The reiki master is simply channeling the healing energy. At the beginning of your session, I will call or Zoom meet with you for a short consultation before leading you in the Holy Fire Healing Experience, a guided meditation. Then, I will tune into your energy, intention, and send reiki, utilizing my crystal grid to assist in amplifying the energies. The grid is programmed to send reiki energy continuously, so even after your session ends, the energy will continue to work for you. It is a World Peace Grid which has all of the world’s major religions represented around the grid. I use this grid to send the intention of world peace, as well as in my healing sessions. The grid is a very powerful healing method, and I have seen amazing results on using it to heal both myself and others.

What to expect during a reiki session? Many people report feeling warmth, tingling, a sense of relaxation. It is good to drink water and relax after. While most people report feeling good after a session, it is possible that the movement of energy could stir up stuck toxins and get them moving out of the body, which could result in the person temporarily feeling ill or emotional. The removal of toxins and negative emotions is a positive thing, the bad must come out to allow space for good. I have experienced the emotional aspect after sessions in healing myself and always feel much more clear and lighter after the release. The energy continues to move through you and the healing can continue after the session ends.

Spirit Release: Sometimes, if a person has experienced depression and/or addiction, this can lower our protections and allow earthbound spirits to walk in and attach to us. They can feed off our energy, influence us to have dark thoughts, and slow us down on our path of growth and healing. If you feel that you may have an attachment, a reiki master can safely perform a spirit release, which will detach the spirit from the host it has attached to, where it will be safely taken away by Yeshua and the angels for healing. If you feel that you need a spirit release session, please specify so when you contact me to set up an appointment.

Prices for Reiki Distance Healing with Crystal Grid:

60 minutes - $111

30 minutes - $66

Bundle of three 60 minute sessions - $299

Bundle of three 30 minute sessons - $175

*All sessions including bundles must be paid for in advance

Reiki shamanic & crystal healing sessions in person in los angeles healing in nature

I am now offering in person sessions in Los Angeles at local parks, which provides the additional benefit of healing in nature. This session can include reiki, crystal healing, a shamanic energy cleanse, sound healing, as well as shamanic journey work, and will be tailored to your exact needs. Before the session, simply send me an email telling me what it is that you would like to heal and if you have a preferred modality. A typical 90 minute session could include a limpia to cleanse your energy, reiki healing to infuse your energy body with healing frequencies and get your systems flowing, and shamanic journey work, such as soul retrieval or working to retrieve your own energy and return any energy of others you may be holding on to. If you would like to watch a TikTok video I made about what healing modalities I work with and why, you can do so here. I operate on the ethos of do no harm, everything is confidential. You do not need to disclose personal details, but having an idea of the main issue you would like healed helps me to know what to bring to our session. If you feel that spirit release is needed, (the release of an Earthbound attachment) please let me know. I can generally pick up on this especially in person, but the more info I have before the session the better. I will provide a clean yoga mat to lie on, or feel free to bring your own. The frequency of nature and healing on the Earth provide a beautiful environment to heal. These sessions can take place at either Elysian Park or Griffith Park in Los Angeles, where there is ample parking and plenty of space for you to relax and cleanse your energy. Simply fill out the form below to let me know your availability and which park is best for you.

Prices for In-Person Energy Healing in Nature Sessions

60 minutes $177

90 minutes $222

Bundle of three 60 minute sessions $499

Bundle of three 90 minute sessions $622

*All sessions including bundles must be paid for in advance.

How to purchase a healing session? Since this is a service rather than a product, I do not sell this on Etsy as it is against their policy. You may send payment via either Paypal: Brinn2win@yahoo.com, or Venmo: Kelly-Brinn-1. How to book a your session once you purchase? Please send me some information at your earliest convenience to get the process started. You may email me by clicking the contact tab at the top of the page or filling out the form below. For distance healing I will need to know: Your full name, location (city and state will do) and your phone number or email, depending on whether you would rather do the session via phone or Zoom. Send a clear, recent picture of only you. This helps me to tune into your energy. Send any intentions for what you would like to heal. Example: “I am ready to heal the root cause of ______. “ I am ready to manifest _______” For a general healing without specific request, I would ask for the best physical, mental, spiritual health and abundance. Please let me know of your availability using US Pacific Time. For in person sessions in Los Angeles, please send your availability, preferred park, and what you would like the focus of your session to be.

The reiki grid is very powerful and has helped me tremendously, I am excited to share this wonderful energy. I look forward to healing you!

Disclaimer: Energy healing is part of a holistic health practice, and is intended to supplement, not replace, needed medical or mental health care. If you are sick or in need of mental health care, please consult your healthcare provider. While I have seen amazing results from reiki, I cannot offer any guarantees of any specific result.