


tinfoil hat podcast with sam tripoli #669-Transhumamism, ai, voice of god technology and nonlinear warfare with kelly brinn

I had such a good time chatting with Sam, Xavier and Johnny about transhumanism, artificial intelligence, spiritual warfare, current events and more. This was a very exciting conversation and it’s so important for humanity to discuss these topics now, so we can be informed and empowered. Click below to listen now.


zero podcast with sam tripoli #191-Transhumanism’s war on ascension with kelly brinn

Another great conversation with comedian and podcaster Sam Tripoli. In this episode, we talk about transhumanism; how fast it has crept into our society, the possible agendas behind it, how the biological human is a divine computer connected to the God Source, and how humanity is at a crossroads, where we can either choose to give into this agenda to merge ourselves with technology, or discover the true power of being a human by having us control our technology, rather than the other way around. You do not want to miss this.


Liberate the podcast - Synergy: EMFs, Orgone & Bioenergy Wellness

It was a blast hanging out with everyone at Liberate Yourself and chatting about mental health, EMF’s, orgone energy, shamanic healing and the role energy healing and avoiding toxins plays in our mental health and wellness. They are a wonderful metaphysical shop and so much more, they offer a lot of healing services and classes for the community. You can check out our amazing discussion below.


zero podcast with sam tripoli #165 The Law of One and the hive mind with kelly brinn

I had such an amazing conversation with podcaster and comedian Sam Tripoli. We discussed my book ‘SYNERGY A Modern Healer’s Guide to Complete Bioenergy Wellness’, how orgone energy can help to transmute harmful EMF, and got into the Law of One and hive mind. Click the button below to check it out on Rokfin.


Facebook live with sound healer dora

Check out this Facebook live I did with my friend Dora, a sound healer and fellow reiki master. It was a great conversation packed with info about my book, how we can heal the energy body and do our best to navigate through current events with ease and grace.


FEAR LESS Society Podcast ep.108-electromagnetic radiation & mental health with kelly brinn, reiki master & shamanic healer

Check out the interview I did with my friend Shawna, a fellow author and creator of healing tools. We had a great conversation about mental health, my book ‘SYNERGY A Modern Healer’s Guide to Complete Bioenergy Wellness’ and the role that mitigating harmful EMF plays in health and well-being.