Study Confirms 95% Of Baby Food Contaminated With Toxic Metals - Geoengineering & Pesticides To Blame
I was appalled, but not surprised, when I read this news story circulating recently, confirming what I had suspected; that our food supply is tainted by chemicals from cloud seeding and toxic pesticide use. This study, done by the nonprofit Healthy Babies Bright Future, showed that 95% of baby food tested was contaminated with metals. That should make alarm bells go off for us all. I will link the study below, some mainstream media coverage of the topic, and evidence that the FDA has not exactly been forthcoming with what they know about our actual food safety.
I’m just taking a wild guess, but perhaps years and years of Monsanto/Bayer spraying our crops with pesticides, and planes flying over spraying metals into our skies in cloud seeding operations, has tainted our resources and therefore our food. (that’s sarcasm of course) That means, that even organic foods are tainted with metals, since they are literally falling from the sky. It seems to be common sense, that the reasons given for geoengineering, don’t really make any sense. The people who promote geoengineering, (when I say geoengineering in this article, I am referring to cloud seeding, the spraying of toxic metals into the sky) say that they are using it as a solution to combat climate change, by reflecting sunlight and thus heat back up into space and away from the Earth. Other scientists warn that this will harm plants by stopping photosynthesis. The plants that we need to survive.
Mainstream media has finally admitted that they are doing it, with Bill Gates eagerly stepping in to offer support. Yes, the same Bill Gates who has touted vaccines and population reduction in the same breath. They are acting as if this is a new idea they are trying, but as stated in the Scientific American article I linked above, this clandestine program has been going on at least since the 1960’s. Why do billionaires get to implement any cockamamie idea they have immediately, while the public sits idly by? Why is the public not addressing the obvious notion, that spraying toxic metals into the sky could cause them to end up in our food and water supply, and therefore our bodies?
Propaganda by the mainstream media is likely to blame. Since birth we are told what to think, and how to feel, by a media run by billionaires. The same billionaires who use their ample resources to control our politicians and industry. Many of them do not have empathy, and may have sinister agendas. These rich and powerful people are built up in the media as if they are better than us; this person made this much money, and they are famous, so they must know what they are doing and what they are talking about right? I would give that a big no. In a world of wars created for-profit, we can be assured that those invested in forwarding the human race are not currently running the show. For years and years, those who openly discuss geoengineering have been smeared as “crazy” and “conspiracy theorists.” Now that they have come out and openly admitted that this is happening, the majority of people, fearing what others will think of them, ignore this assault on our resources and either deny or remain silent. But as more people start to see what is actually happening, and object to their schemes, that is shifting.
I live in Los Angeles. A couple of days ago here, there was a climate rally in front of City Hall, with special guest Greta Thunberg. I fully support any young person who is passionate about saving the Earth, but this poor child is likely being exploited. There is evidence that she has connections to George Soros, which raises some alarm bells. I think it’s great that this teenager has young people excited about saving the planet, but also find it suspicious that there has been no mention of geoengineering or pesticide use in any of these climate conversations. I went to the rally with a sign pointing out the hazards of geoengineering, 5G, war, presticides, and fracking on the environment. I went with a loving intention of spreading seeds of truth, not to rabble rouse. Many people would smile at me, read my sign, then frown or look angry. A few were supportive. (picture below) Because of mainstream media propaganda, many people with good intentions are simply uninformed or misinformed. This is what we must break if we want to actually address the issues that are putting our mother Earth in peril.
It is reported that the fossil fuel industry has been suppressing technologies that would make the use of gas and oil obsolete for decades, while some countries have attempted to punish ordinary citizens for this debacle by attempting to implement a carbon tax. The Yellow Vest movement in France being sparked by a petrol tax gives credence to the theory that the powers that be plan to exploit the climate movement monetarily, by punishing poor people just trying to drive their cars to their jobs, while Big Industry continues to pollute. Several of my friends participated in the Standing Rock protests a few years back, in an attempt to stop the dangerous Dakota Access Pipeline project, as fracking and pipelines destroy drinking water and sacred lands. As they predicted, that is exactly what has happened, with devastating oil leaks occurring. Have the Yellow Vest protesters and Standing Rock protesters been given a platform, with mainstream media accolades, meetings with world leaders, and awards as Greta Thunberg has? No, not exactly. The Yellow Vest protests, which have been happening in Paris weekly and going strong for over a year now, have become increasingly violent, with police clashing with protesters. The Water Protectors in Standing Rock were met with rubber bullets and water cannons in freezing temps. If you are not already familiar with the Yellow Vest or Standing Rock movements, I will link some info below. It definitely makes you wonder, why this young girl gets so much media attention, while activists who have really put their lives on the line are met with violence, bullets and jail time.
I have even found evidence, through my own observations, that the hottest days occur on the days when cloud seeding operations occur, indicating that these geoengineering programs are causing, rather than preventing, climate change. I wrote a blog about this recently which I will link. Please look at the sky, study the clouds, and observe for yourself. Take note of the temperatures and see if the clouds indicate a chemical spray. There is also evidence that the drought in California was caused by geoengineering, I will post info about the ridiculously resilient ridge below.
We have also recently had more suspicious fires in California. PG&E is a very corrupt company which should no longer exist. They have been called out for their guilt numerous times, so I won’t get too much into that here. I just wanted to call out that as the fires burned in the San Fernando Valley and also near the Getty Center, I witnessed planes going over, spraying chemicals in cloud seeding operations. I witnessed the exact same thing with the Malibu fires last year. Fires are raging, and planes, flying low, are crossing over spraying toxic metals on top of fire. I fortunately was not close enough to the fires to see the smoke plumes, so I did not get photos this time, but witnessed heavy geoengineering operations on those days. Does that sound smart, to spray chemicals on top of fires?? They have the technology to make it rain if they wanted to, why not do that? When the Malibu fires occurred last year, I did get photos of the chemicals sprayed over the fire cloud. I will link that blog below.
There are many possible agendas at play, and there could be many groups involved in this corruption. The purpose of this blog post is to draw awareness, not spark fear. That is the last thing we need. Humanity is raising in consciousness and old systems are crumbling. We need to gently spread awareness to those who are just beginning to awaken. Things change in society when a lot of people object to corruption and false idols. Being afraid to speak out is counter-productive, and the more of us that do speak out when we see injustice, it will inspire others to speak their truth, rather than go with the flow or feel how the news tells them to. Question everything. Question the news, question me, question your parents and teachers. Do your own research and trust yourself to create your own reality.
Now you might be wondering, that all sounds great, but how do we fix this? How do we save our resources and our food supply? No matter where we are on individual issues, we can all come together on wanting to have clean food, air, water, freedom and basic needs met for all people, right? I will list some solutions below that you can get started on today.
Speak out
We need to take the stigma out of talking about geoengineering. It’s real, it’s happening, and it’s time we discussed it. The only way the corrupt elite are ever halted in their nefarious activities, are when a lot of people are talking about it and objecting, loudly. We outnumber them; they just know how to manipulate people into being in fear. Being afraid of being ridiculed or being in denial and keeping quiet is not helping our mother Earth, she needs our help. Join groups and find others who have the same concerns as you, there is power in numbers. Grow confidence to be your own person, and gently encourage others to do the same. You can catch more flies with honey than vinegar is a saying which stands the test of time. Too many people argue about issues online, instead of engaging in dialog. Try to listen to others and gently discuss your concerns as equals, as we are all one, just with different experiences and perceptions. Don’t fall for divide and conquer agendas.
contact your local reps
Many of our politicians are corrupt, and in bed with the very corporations that are causing mayhem on our resources, and poisoning the Earth. There is a revolving door between polluting corporations, and the government agencies which are supposed to regulate them. These companies fund the campaigns of these politicians in exchange for them looking the other way on the destruction they cause.
But our reps still have to acknowledge us if we contact them. It’s even better if they are flooded with calls and letters, as that is how change occurs. Call your senator, congressional rep, mayor’s office, assembly member, anyone involved in local governing, and voice your opposition on harmful emissions of all kinds, including those from geoengineering and 5G. (5G harms plants and wildlife as well as us.) Tell them you want pesticides our of your county. Call or write a letter, which you can send off to multiple people and target multiple issues. If you are uncomfortable doing that, there are many online petitions already in circulation. I will link some below.
vote with your dollar
Many countries have outright banned Monsanto/Bayer for the harm they have caused worldwide. Nestle wants to privatize water, a human right, and drains local waterways in multiple areas of the world, paying little to do so while depleting water supplies needed for local residents and wildlife. Due to the corruption in the United States government I spoke of above, it has not been so easy to get their products banned here. Roundup Weedkiller was recently banned in Los Angeles, yet is still being sold at big box stores like Home Depot and Target. There is resistance on behalf of these corporations, insisting that their products are safe despite mountains of evidence to the contrary. That is why we need to exercise our rights as consumers, and avoid their products as much as possible. They do own a lot of companies which are sold in mainstream grocery stores, so avoiding their products does take a bit of bobbing and weaving, but it can be done. I am not perfect, occasionally something slips through the cracks, but we can all just do our best, and seek organic replacements for our favorite foods and products. I will link a list of companies owned by these corporations, and if you are so inclined you can boycott their products. There are even apps for your phone such as Buycott, with which you can scan products in the store, to see if it’s from a company you are avoiding. Growing your own food is also a great idea if that’s an option for you.
orgone energy to repel pollution
Last but not least, until we can actually get geoengineering banned, how do we stop these metals from hitting us, our waterways, and our crops which we grow for food? When I first started making orgone energy generators, (if you are not familiar, hit the About Orgone Energy tab above to learn more) I had heard that they could repel pollution from geoengineering. I knew from experience of their ability to filter EMF, but I needed more evidence before I would tell people about it. So a friend and I got our rainwater tested to compare the results. We both live in the same general area and experience the same spraying from cloud seeding, only we are located several miles apart. At the time of the test, I had several orgone pyramids in my home, and six tower busters placed outside. (I have since added a chembuster, but did not have one at the time of the test.) My friend had no orgone energy generators on his property at the time. We had the samples sent to Basic Lab in Northern California. His rainwater sample had 42 TIMES MORE ALUMINUM IN IT. Aluminum is not healthy to accumulate in the human body, and this water goes into our crops, which is why I was not surprised at all about the baby food study. I would love it if more people were to do this test, if anyone reading this does, please write and share the results with me. I will link my test result below.
That being said, it is not a bad idea to grid your property with orgone energy tower busters, to add a layer of protection for your family. It is definitely beneficial to have inside your home as well, to filter EMF from wifi, as that counts as a harmful emission also. I have “gifted” orgone energy to many cell towers, waterways, and nature areas in order to protect and enhance the local environment, since evidence also shows that scalar/orgone energy increases plant growth. (Orgone energy is type of scalar energy, the terms are interchangeable.) I have gifted tower busters to a couple of local farms and intend to gift more, as well as the areas affected by the local fires to help the land recover better. All purchases of orgone from my shop assist in my gifting efforts and enable me to do more of this work. You may click the Shop tab above to procure your own orgone energy generators.
The most important thing is to be aware, and make ourselves part of the solution, without being in fear. Fear is a low energy, we must raise our energy up to ignite the change we want. We need to brave, powerful, and positive. Plant trees and grow plant life in your local area, as that improves air quality and creates habitat for wildlife. Live in ways and support companies that agree with your values. Demand that our planet be allowed to have natural weather patterns, and that our resources not be polluted, whether it be in the ground or air. We can turn this boat around, it’s not too late.
My sign I made for the climate rally.