How To Make Scalar Energy Tower Busters
I have been very excited about the results of all of my experiments with scalar energy. I have been trying to get the word out to people, that these devices can be an inexpensive and effective way to mitigate the effects of EMF in your home, neighborhood, as well as repel toxic pollution from cloud seeding operations as evidence showed in my water test. Orgone energy is healthy for all living things. I love to make these pieces, and I'm happy to sell them to people, but if you are an artsy person and so-inclined, you can make them yourself. Imagine the good it would do if every person had their property covered in scalar waves, or at least as many people as possible. I have had a couple of friends express interest in learning how to make tower busters. (tactical pieces which are mostly for outdoor use) I decided to write a blog post explaining how I make mine. If you are also interested in making pyramids or devices of other shapes, simply buy a pyramid or any shape you like mold, and translate the directions to use in that. (larger pieces are done in layers) You can use your creativity and make it as pretty as it is powerful, or some people only like making tactical pieces, it is completely up to you. Let's get started.
What You Will Need
1) An outdoor area to mix your resin and let it dry. You also need warmer temperatures so that the resin will dry properly. The ideal temperature would be in the 70-80 degree range Fahrenheit, but a little above or below that is okay too. (sorry cold-weather dwellers) Even if you have a well-ventilated indoor area, I highly recommend doing this outside, the chemicals are not healthy to breathe. Which leads me to...
2) Protective Gear: You will need to wear a mask so you don't breathe in toxic chemicals. Once the resin dries, it is completely safe and turns into a device that will protect you, but while it is not yet cured, the smell is very strong. Also, always wear gloves when handling resin. Latex gloves are not strong enough, nitrile gloves are recommended. Please put a covering down in case of any spills. Trust me, you do not want to spill this stuff, it is not a fun cleanup, so be careful!
3) Mixing Gear: You will need a hard plastic or glass container to mix your resin in. It should hold at least 16oz and have a wide mouth for easy stirring. I have found that a washed peanut butter or mayonnaise jar works great. Please do not use flimsy plastic. You can stir your resin with a large popsicle stick from the art supply store or something similar, that is what I use.
4) Your Supplies: The three basic ingredients needed to make scalar energy devices are a catalyzing resin, either polyester or epoxy. (organic material as it is sourced from petroleum) Your inorganic material is metal shavings. You can use any kind of metal you like, the smaller the pieces the better, as it is the compression of the metal in the resin which creates an excitment. The last ingredient is crystals. You can use any type of crystals in any combination you like, or just one good one. Quartz is most commonly used in a tower buster for it's powerful amplification properties. The crystal also adds a piezoelectric effect. A copper coil can also help boost electric properties. Don't forget your mold, muffin tins are typically used for tower busters. I recommend either a non-stick metal or silicone. I also do not recommend using it for food after, for obvious reasons.
Let's Do This
Okay, so now you have all of your supplies, your mixing and your protective gear, let's go through the steps. The only rules are that you use enough of the ingredients to make a powerful device and use common sense and safety practices. Once you have been making your own devices for awhile you may come up with your own methods on what works best for you.
1) The first step is mixing your resin. I prefer polyester for my pieces, but epoxy works great also. These directions will apply to polyester resin, but consult the directions on whatever resin you buy and use those. Take your hard plastic or glass container and mark it at 8oz as a fill point. Mixing too much or too little at a time can be problematic, I like 8oz. Add 36-38 drops of catalyst to the resin, and use your popsicle stick to mix SLOWLY. Please stir very slow for about 3 minutes, as mixing too fast creates bubbles. (Hot Tip: when making the second layer of a pyramid, use 2 drops less catalyst when mixing)
2) Now you are ready to pour your resin into your mold. I like to put my crystals in before I pour and my metal in after I pour, it is your choice. If you do add your metal first, kind of stir it gently into the resin with your popsicle stick so that it becomes encased. Pour the resin into the muffin mold, filling it up about halfway. Now add your ingredients if you haven't already. I sprinkle the metal in after I pour, so that it falls to the bottom. Fill it up as high as you can so that the resin covers it. Now you just sit back, relax, and wait several hours for the resin to dry. **Please follow all of these procedures at your own risk, this is merely informational.**
Once your resin is dry, you will have a powerful set of tower busters, that you can use in your home, garden, or gift it to a local cell phone tower or waterway. I have seen amazing results from doing this. People have different gifting styles, some just throw the tower buster and drive off, which I have no problem with. If there happens to be a business close to the cell tower, I will go in and tell them about these devices, gift it to them and ask them to place it near the tower. They are often grateful, because they know they are being fried with EMF every day and feel powerless, as this protection is not commonly known about. (yet) If anyone reading this actually makes a set of tower busters, I would love it if you would write to me on social media and tell me how it went. For the people who don't like making stuff and would rather buy it, they are inexpensive and effective, and you are supporting small artisans by doing that so that's great too. Happy tower busting! (please see pics below for visual reference)
Kelly :)
Putting your crystals in first is optional. Here I have quartz and shungite, with a copper coil. You can also use a single large crystal instead.
Mixing container, resin and catalyst.
The resin has been poured, the metal has been added, time to let it dry.
Voila! You are ready to fight EMF and geoengineering pollution, gift away!