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The Beginner's Guide To Using Crystals

Crystals have had a resurgence in popularity in recent years.. Crystal and metaphysical shops are popping up everywhere, at least in the larger cities. With frequencies rising on the planet, and many suffering from the stress of living in our world, people are seeking healing, and are becoming more open to the use of metaphysics to achieve that goal; of feeling more balanced and connected in a crazy world. Many people are drawn to crystals, but don’t quite know where to begin in working with them.

I was the same way. I always found crystals to be beautiful and interesting. I was drawn to them, but that didn’t turn into a full-blown obsession until I learned just how useful they are in healing, meditation, and creating a harmonious environment in your sacred space. In high school I had a crystal pendant I wore, and carried a bag of crystals in my purse, but I had no one to explain just how they work and how to use them. The internet was not yet prevalent at that time, so if you wanted to research something, you had to really make an effort to go out and find books. So I just wore my crystals and did not think much of it.

It was later in adulthood when I got into energy healing, and how to incorporate them into healing sessions, that I got excited and had to learn more. My obsession with shoe shopping turned to an obsession with crystal shopping. (I joke that it’s usually cheaper ;) I took a class with my friend who does reiki and crystal healer training. I got some books and began to research on the internet as well. My love of crystals grew even more when I learned about orgone energy, and started making my own pieces. A recent conversation with a friend alerted me that she also was drawn to crystals, but didn’t know where to begin in using them. I thought there must be a lot of people who are curious about these beautiful stones, and don’t quite know how to utilize them, which is why I decided to write this short guide. Crystals alone can help the energy in your home, but orgone energy can transform it entirely for the better. These pieces of rock and mineral formed deep in our Earth over millions of years have many uses, both spiritual and scientific; sometimes they can work that way together.

As a reiki healer, I work with anything with an energy field. That is mainly people, but you can also send energy to animals, plants, and yes, crystals. Crystals assist me in healing work by infusing their energy with the reiki energy, greatly enhancing the session. It is widely thought that anything with an energy field has a soul, or at least an oversoul. While you and I, as human beings, have a soul, you may not think of plants or minerals having a soul. It is thought that plants and crystals do indeed have an oversoul, and that these plants and crystals do want to work with us to help us heal, if we ask them to. Crystal expert Judy Hall , who has written many books on the topic, recommends, that when you want to use a crystal to achieve any goal, be it the best meditation, help with an ailment, etc, that you ask the crystal to help you. While that might sound silly at first, be open. Asking for help always increases the chances that you will get it. When you learn just how connected everything in our world actually is, it doesn’t seem silly at all.

So how do you begin to incorporate these healing minerals into your life and routine? While this is a very broad topic and I couldn’t possibly get into detail about each crystal here as there are so many, I will give you a few basic practices that you can easily incorporate into your life, and if you’d like to go further, there are many great books on the topic to take you further. Let’s get started.

Sacred Space Energy

When working with energy, it is my belief that you should always begin with the space you are working and living in. It is harder to get your own energy cleansed and raise your vibrations, when your house or apartment is infiltrated with wifi signals, and other dense energies, which can be detrimental to your energy field. It is important to filter out wifi signals, and regularly smudge to keep the energy in your space light and clear. You can smudge, or clear dense energies out of your place using smoke from sage, palo santo, lemongrass, or a similar herb. Use caution and open the windows. The use of smoke is not needed, as the aura sprays I make (see the Aura Spray tab above) can also be used. These contain the essences of plants, salt and crystals. Just spray liberally around the space and open windows and doors. How often should one cleanse their space? That is a personal choice that depends on a lot of factors. Once a week or once a month may be fine for you; empaths and more sensitive people will want to cleanse more often.

Next comes dealing with the wifi. Many people do not understand that their insomnia and anxiety comes from wifi signals. There are many crystals which can help with mitigating wifi signals, most notably shungite and black tourmaline. (Although amethyst, smoky quartz, green fluorite and amazonite among others are also wonderful.) Just placing these around your space can help to disperse dense energies and provide protection. However, to have truly effective filtration of wifi frequencies, orgone energy generators are needed. If you are unfamiliar with orgone energy, these generators contain only metal shavings and crystals cast in resin. and emit a scalar energy field which filters EMF, grabbing the positive ions and filtering them into the more energy field-friendly negative ions, like we find in nature. Both the metals and crystals play an important role in these devices. The metals create the Casamir Effect, a Vacuum attract and repel effect that happens when metal plates are compressed together, which filters the ions. When combined with crystals, which are piezoelectric when squeezed, and have the ability to restructure and amplify energy, it can have a profound effect on your environment. Allowing me the ability to sleep deeply through the night, meditate and focus, orgone energy changed my life. I know others are suffering and could use this information, which is why I do this work and write this blog. That being said, it is recommended to at least have an orgone energy generator near your computer router, and near where you sleep. Once the outside signals that harm are dimmed, you can really focus on cleansing and raising your own energy.

Cleansing Your Crystals

First and foremost, the most important thing to do, if you want your crystals to work properly, is it cleanse them regularly. If you are trying to work with a crystal and energy feels sluggish, it is time for a cleanse. There are many methods to do this. Some involve water, such as running the crystals under cold water, or soaking them in salt water. (cold water cleanses dense energy) However, crystals which are softer, such as selenite, or kyanites, will crumble in water. This method only works for harder crystals, such as quartzes and the like. Something safe that you can do to cleanse all of your crystals, is to take your crystal and cleanse it with sage or palo santo smoke. Just hold the crystal in the smoke for a few moments or until it feels like the energy has cleared. You can spritz your crystals with aura spray to cleanse them. Reiki healers can send energy to their crystals to cleanse them and activate the energies. You can bury your crystal in the Earth or a potted plant to cleanse it, as the Earth energy is very healing. You can place your crystals in direct moonlight, and/or sunlight to cleanse and activate the energies. Use whatever method calls to you


Crystals can greatly enhance your meditation. I often have crystals send shockwaves of energy through my body during meditation. It is even thought that some crystals, such as Lemurian seed crystals, contain information from spiritually advanced, ancient civilations, which can be accessed energetically through meditation. (Found embedded in sand rather than growing in caverns, these crystal lore says that these pieces were “seeded” by those living on the lost continent of Lemuria before they suffered a cataclysm.) Some crystals work well for healing, some for meditation, some for both. How do you tell? I have found that after I started working with crystals, my intuition would kick in, and if I feel drawn to grab a certain crystal or crystals for healing or meditation, I should just go with it. While there are certain guidelines that most crystal healers follow, the rule is that, there are no rules. If you feel drawn to use a certain crystal in a certain way, just do it. I felt compelled to tuck a certain crystal under my pillow at night, and upon waking noticed I felt happier and more clear. After several months, dark spots appeared on the stone, showing the dense energy it had pulled from me, a bit of tangible evidence that it was working as I felt it was.

While meditating, you can choose a crystal to hold in your hand, or hands if you’d like to use multiple. Just hold it and feel it’s energy while you breathe. It works with you on the subtle levels, sending frequencies into your field. If lying down you can place a crystal on the third eye or whatever chakra you feel called to. The energy can really enhance and deepen your meditation session. Try it with any stone you feel called to use, and see how it works for you.

Chakra Healing

If you are not aware of the chakras, they are energy centers in our subtle bodies. While there are many ideas about exactly how many there are, (some extend outside the physical body) most agree with the traditional Hindu idea that there are seven main chakras, starting at the base of the spine and going to the crown of the head. These spinning energy centers take in, record, and emit energy, and each one deals with different issues in our life and spiritually. This is also a broad topic, so I will just touch on the basics to get you rolling. Each chakra has a different color associated with it; different colors are different frequencies. What makes it easy to choose which crystal to use for a particular chakra, is that the color of the crystal, is often the same color of the chakra it is ideal for healing. Many ascension experts believe that as we shift into higher frequencies on this planet and raise our consciousness, the color of the chakras is also changing. Since that is a work in progress and not set in stone yet, (ha) I will give the traditional version of the chakras, and as we advance together, the crystals we’d like to use for a particular chakra might shift too. These are just basic guidelines, and it’s best not to overthink it. While you can go to a healer for reiki or chakra balancing, you can also use crystals to work on healing your chakras yourself at home if you are unable to visit a healer. Watch out if they want you to come in for many expensive sessions; healing in and of itself does take time and should not be rushed, but an ethical healer can do chakra rejuvenation on all the chakras in a single session. If they want you to do a session for each chakra be careful, they might be working you for money. To me caring for your energy field is like brushing your teeth; essential for health.

To heal your chakras using crystals yourself at home, simply choose which crystal you feel called to use for each chakra. Lie down and place the crystal on the corresponding chakra. Then breathe, imagining the energy from the crystal flowing into your chakra, making it spin and emit a bright, vibrant color. Do this until you feel the energy shift, starting at the base and working your way up. Some like to picture a flower spinning, or a colored ball of light, it should be whatever feels most natural for you. If it is easier for you to sit up and hold the crystal on the chakra with your hand, that works too. If playing meditation music in the background helps you, go for it, as sound frequency also heals. There is even music on youtube that has music attuned to the frequency of each chakra. Figure out what meditation style works for you.

Root/Base Chakra

Located at the base of the spine, this deals with issues of survival and security. Are our basic needs met? Do we feel safe? The color associated with this chakra is red. Red and darker colored crystals are typically used to work with this chakra. There are too many examples of crystals to list, so I will just name a few off the top of my head. Black crystals such as black tourmaline, shungite and hematite could work on this chakra. (black stones are also ideal to use on the feet chakras to help ground us) Other great stones for the root chakra: fire agate, bloodstone, carnelian, smoky quartz. Again these are just a few examples of many.

Sacral Chakra

Located about 2” below the belly button at our sacrum, this center is associated with the color orange, and deals with issues of anger, self-confidence, sexuality and creativity. Orange stones such as sunstone, orange calcite, and amber work well with this chakra. I sometimes even tuck a sunstone in the waistband of my pants on this chakra, to absorb the energies as I go throughout my day. Most of us need help healing this chakra, since it deals with issues of self-worth.

Solar Plexus

Located in the gut, about 2” above our belly button, the solar plexus, known as our power center, is associated with the color yellow. This is our center of determination and will power. Some wonderful stones to use with this chakra are citrine, pyrite and sulphur.

Heart Chakra

Located at the center of our chest and associated with the color green, the heart chakra is our center of love, forgiveness and compassion. In shamanic practice, it can even be a portal to other dimensions. Anyone who has been hurt in love could definitely use some heart chakra healing. Pink and green stones are typically used to heal this chakra. Some of my favorites are rose quartz, kunzite, rhodonite, green adventurine, moldavite and green fluorite.

Throat Chakra

This is our communication center, surrounding our ability to speak our truth and be heard, and is associated with the color blue. Some great stones to use on the throat chakra are blue kyanite, blue calcite, lapis lazuli, chrysocolla, and blue apatite.

Third Eye Chakra

Located at the center of our head where the pineal gland is located and associated with the color indigo, this chakra is associated with spirituality and awareness. The pineal gland has to do with hormone regulation. Many crystals that work for the throat chakra can also be used on the third eye, such as lapis lazuli, azurite and crysocolla. Sugilite, amethyst and herkimer diamond are also wonderful to use on this chakra.

Crown Chakra

Located at the top of our head and associated with the color violet, this chakra is associated with our connection to Source energy as well as our self. Violet crystals such as amethyst are wonderful to use on this chakra, as are clear, high vibration crystals such as apophyllite. (The first time I held an apophyllite, I felt my crown chakra immediately start spinning and opening up) Selenite is another crystal that can be placed near this chakra for healing and meditation.

Create A Healing Elixir

I’ve mentioned in other posts how we can activate our drinking water with scalar energy to increase it’s benefit. Crystals carry energy, water, carries energy, we carry energy and our bodies are made of water. I make scalar energy charging plates (click “shop” above to view some) which I place in the refrigerator underneath my water bottle, to infuse my drinking water with life force energy. If you plan to do this, please start with clean water that has metals and fluoride filtered out. This uses the indirect method, since the energy will penetrate the container holding the water. I sometimes add in extra crystals for extra healing energy. You can charge your water with crystals alone safely by using the indirect method; placing the crystal or crystals in a separate container underneath the water bottle. I usually just throw the stones right into the water. Some crystals are toxic to ingest, so please research and make sure the stone you plan to use is safe first, or just use the indirect method. Notice how it improves the water and how it makes you feel. .

I hope you have found this guide helpful in giving you some basic practices to get you started on incorporating the healing energy of crystals into your life. While having an entire crystal encyclopedia on my site is too grand of an undertaking right now, I do have information on the crystals that I use in my healing products. Click the “crystals” tab above to learn more. There are many books and websites which identify crystals and list their attributes if you’d like to go further. If anyone reading this has found success from these practices, please write to me on social media and tell me about it, I’d love to hear. Best wishes for your healing journey.

x Kelly